On my mind!

1:08 PM

Something that was on my mind this morning...

Life is sometimes like a plugged up drain...You get a bucket and a bowl!...do you know what to do? (if the plumber is not an option)

Here are some options you do have!
#1 being grateful you still got water
#2 actually finding a bowl and a bucket
#3 thankful and downright giddy that you still have your wits about you...laughing in the side of adversity...well..and then you go to work...fill the bowl, wash the dishes, scoop the water if it filled up the tub after each shower...and through it all you not only learn what you are made off, but through gratitude I am telling you your circumstances have not only already changed, but it will get better because you put yourself in a better place...(oh yes you could have gone to the plumbing hardware store....or whatever they call the manly mans places hihihi and bought that stuff that actually works to unclog such inconvenient situation,,,,but then that be too easy...and you'd never known how awesome you can be, resilient and giddy too!!!
 ~ Lemons are the stuff that awesome juice is made of ~

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