One fine Day...

7:49 PM

Oh it can come on quickly! To throw in the towel in the sight of nothingness! 
So easily can we get lost in the notion of quitting and complaining when things seemingly do not go right. We are feeling high when things go well, and we don't think we would sub come to defeat quite so easily, but then there it is...another moment, now nothing seems to be going right, and on comes this wave of darkness. Amplifying! 
In the blink of an eye do we have to catch it, or it is going to take us least trying to. It does not help that we choose words that support the seeming despair.  

As crazy as it may sound I found myself reaching for a piece of paper....and quickly started writing, sorting out what looks bad, and understanding what I had control over and what not. There is something amazing about making a list...having it out, visible, it frees up the mind, and we can expand up on it. It is like a vision board in a crazy sort of way. We add and we take away, but we are dealing with it....and that is the best result I can think of. Most of us probably heard "ignorance is bliss" maybe for a little while, but when ignorance is the reason we get hurt, then not so much.

With our seeming sorrow laid out before us, and with a freed up mind we can re-assess the situation, and rather than having used up precious time, intended for living, we made use of our understanding that things often look bleaker at first glance, having been there a time or two, finding that we in fact have grown in many ways. Next time this wave is trying to make landfall....well?!
~ We fall, we get up, we fall again, getting up, a choice and a victory! ~

Picture credit Biene, quote found online

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