No longer a Knight in shining Armor...

6:00 AM


When we hear the word Chivalry the first thought of most is that is a way of the past, the second thought for many women is accompanied by a sigh and we think of courtesy towards us. Oh yes, the time a stranger takes to acknowledge our presence and put us first. Often it is the only time that happens. Carrying a load of groceries without having to juggle the Door too, it does not matter who the recipient is, if there is fault to be found for chivalry offered....I will let your thoughts wander.

Ahhh  we are way past the time of Knights and the feminist movement that came rolling in and chivalry by way of offering kind gestures got pushed out. Jumping years ahead as Stage Manager watching the many Female Performers at the International Festival that were offered the hand of a young volunteering Marine standing by the stairs holding out the Hand to guide down safely that Lady...getting denied with a look that was less than kind....accompanied by misguided thoughts as well. I felt for the young Men every time for their Heart was in absolutely the right place.
Life is about balance....and this qualifies, for we can be equal with a bit of kindness in both directions.

We had jumping from one extreme to another and not for the better. There is Hope time we are encountering a Man who takes time to acknowledge our presence and holds open that Door, we can be the Lady that says "Thank you" and in turn become the motivation needed to extend such gestures of kindness on to the next unexpecting Woman (a new word....a lovely direction...a better way...a happy medium) nothing more...nothing less.

I am reminded of the saying "everything old becomes new again" ...a nice new!!!

~ Opening the Door is just that, an open Door ~

Picture credit pinterest

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