To know or not to know is a healthy question....
4:00 PM
There was a time when eating and drinking nourishing Food was an easy thing to do. It might still be, but we are learning more and more about how our Food comes together, and that is less than appetizing!
Take all the dairy products i.e.. Did you realize or remember that Cows used to live on a pasture and eat Hay, an intended diet for the Animals. That in turn produces the proper processes for our Milk and Meat. Now Mankind got it's hand on the situation and lined the Cows up in a massive Barn, with no place to go but stand all Day, many times over in their own feces and are fed a Diet of Corn (GMO laiden)
all that goes with that process now ends up on our plate and into our Tummy. So goes the Cheese from the Milk of the Cow, the Butter that has the Milk from the Milk of the Cow. Then there is the Yogurt from the Milk of the Cow, not to mention all the Products that carry Milk as an ingredient from the Milk of the Cow. Ok by now you know where this is to go. Yes exactly, it is not just one thing that we are consuming that is not good for our Health, but many different ways that we are buying the same (unhealthy) thing for consumption. And that was just for the Milk, and only scratched the Surface of where this Milk is being used in the Products we buy. Now you take that same scenario for the Meat and suddenly that Steak, or the Beef Jerky, Stew Meat and...
Now these are just two aspects of our Food consumption and have far reaching implications on the rest of our daily processes. Is it now still any wonder that we are feeling the way we are?!!!!! I am convinced (yes personal opinion) we are what we eat. These sayings when you really think about it have a whole lot of truth to them and are a wise left over from Days gone by. But here is what makes everything so hopeful....and that is that we as Consumers have started to take back the control over our Health and by doing so have shown the various Industries that they either change the way they offer their products or we will no longer purchase what is not a healthy product to digest for us in the way that our Body can dispense the Nutrients the way it was designed without having to wrestle to dismantle as best possible what does our Body harm and those are ingredients that do NOT belong in our Diet.
What strikes my curiosity is this....where and what do the Folks that invent all this food or those that allow those foods to be produced and sold, eat themselves????????
I am so grateful for all the entities that have made way for a return to healthy and kind ways of raising the Animals that we are to benefit from by way of consumption their many parts.
~ When we think and make choices good can come of it ~
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