Plant and plant...both inspire!
6:25 PM
Brushing my teeth with the simplest of toothpaste I suddenly was reminded to all things a "famous" quote by Gus from the Movie My big fat Greek Wedding...."give me a word, any word, and I will show you that the root of that word is Greek". Getting back to that simple toothpaste, when we look at all the things we buy, all of them....they too had an origin...Nature...yup!
Just so happened that some savvy business visionary came up with ways to imitate Mother Nature, on a cheap scale and then sell us something, often times not something we really need, but should want. Listen to the Ads on TV or on the Radio real closely and find the little "hock" that makes us look it up next time we went to the Store. I am not yes....I did it too! My saving grace was that I did not buy it, but I wanted the education of what was hailed about needing this product so badly that they spend advertising $$$ to have us buy it (ever wondered if they themselves use these products???).
So of the top of my Head I could think of Hand sanitizer, or whitening toothpaste as something we should need and definitely want.
Now so back to Mother Nature. Ok so baking soda
now baking soda just mixed with coconut oil, a few drops of mint essential Oil makes a fantastic toothpaste = done....yup....that's it. If you have the baking soda, most of us do, coconut Oil maybe a first but a great new addition to the Family and so many fantastic uses in and of itself....Lotion, ahhh Jamaican vacation at 10 degrees below on a cold Winter's Night. So....baking soda = Nature, coconut Oil = Nature, Oils derived from plants = see "give a word, any word, and it will show you that the root is Nature". That is if we are talking about real Foods and other Products. Even Hair color = Henna color = Nature ...and you thought Henna is only red, don't feel bad I did too. I have been using a dark brown myself and my Hair thanks me for it every Day
I will sign of now and give you a chance to let your mind wander to all the possibilities of learning and maybe converting to all the things that have their roots in Mother Nature.
I would love to hear what all you found in terms of natural recipes, and what changes you had made along the way, what recipes have worked for you?
~ There is an air of mystery to all the personal changes one can experience if one invites such guest ~
P.S I have been using the baking soda/coconut oil/3 drops peppermint recipe for plaque has gone away and it appears that my gumline is returning on my teethes where I experienced loss.
However anything you try you do so at your own discretion.
Picture credit Biene