First comes Love...
8:37 AM
Ahhhh Love!
Met, fall in Love....the End.
Far from the truth. That's where Life starts!
So we meet, something clicks and then we get together once, twice...and Life kicks in with its routine. Which one? The one where we spend most all the time together, make plans, look at the future? Then the Fella says something to the effect of "I am no good for you" whoah oh nooooo. Quickly we dig for the nurture card....poor Guy (bruised by Life....surely) and we do what we do so well....we nurture (and right here....first warning sign...totally overlooked!!)
Life continues with its routine. We gave all we got, in more ways than one. Then a recognition hits (magnified by other's observation)'s always just one that accepts an invitation to a social event. Oh well there is just so much going on...and the nurturing continues along with the routine. So do the reasons why things are fine just the way they are (for the Fella).
Until one Day...make that many Years later (come...we had gotten so good at this nurturing thing) the one thing that should have stood out was absence of warm and fuzzy. The spontaneous anything.
Hope, Faith and Love had firmly placed themselves and kept going when the going should have stopped long time ago. After all even on social Media we can read damming comments about the status of our Love. All that and more finally made way for sorrow to come rushing in, mounting high like a pile of Fall leaves and there it is...while we learned to grow far beyond our normal ways in matters of the Heart, we gave and gave, forgiving again and again and thus had become Masters in the Art of unconditional Love. What we never were asked though I believe is to become the Object of being used. Big difference, tough to see when we think we are acting from the Heart and make it ok somehow.
So now we have found ourselves at a Cross road. We are hurting too much from all that we now understand for a Fella can hardly find love in his Heart when only offering as little time as possible to the one next to him, while having many others in the pipe line on standby as well.
We have reclaimed, or many times finally discovered our own value and comprehended that we are worth so much more and having practiced Hope, Faith and Love all along we have discovered that there is still room in our Heart to close one Door and willing to open another this time (hopefully) with the skill to open the right one!
And you know what? While it is a tough lesson to learn we have come out alright on the other end with something far better than that Fella (the blessing of an unanswered prayer) and a capacity to love in ways denied to him by way of choices....and while not having asked for that kind of a lesson, we got it anyhow and look how fine we turned out!!!!!
~ Just because I am alone, does not mean I am lonely!!! ~
Picture credit Biene