One step, two steps....
7:27 PM
Sounds easy enough! Not so fast
First....gotta dust of the motivation, second...wait for a sunny Day and third... a running partner. When no other excuses can be found I am getting started for the umpteenth time. To my excitement the joy of feeling accomplished at the end of the Run was still all other times. So why then is it soooo hard to stay at it??
Many of us have unique challenges when sticking to an exercise regimen. The absence of a side walk to step outside and getting a run on. The absence of a budget for Gym membership. The accountability partner, this is big because I spend 6 Weeks at my Daughter's House, we worked out on a 3 and 2 day schedule, results showing!! Even after I got back I managed for about another 4 weeks to stick to it. Having "said" that I definitely am proof that the 21 habit forming behavior formula does not work and look I am not the only one
All excuses aside what I do know is the fact that only I can change my mind set and or attitude about working out, knowing full well all the benefits physically as well as emotionally. Having a good attitude will ensure that I do not beat myself over the Head either, but rather keep the goal of staying fit and looking good close by, while continuing to eat healthy and more on the organic side for optimum health all the way around.
So, I will get up again motivation in tow, a sunny Day will be nice but not required and a running partner, well it won't be a deal breaker. I will be excited once again and go from there. However many times I need to stick with it is far better than giving up altogether.
Do you struggle? How do you deal with the challenge of sticking to it?
~ We try, we may fail, we try again! ~
Picture credit Biene