When worry creeps in....

7:31 PM

That moment when things seem to get out of hand.....we know it well....met it a time or two. That friendly advice "it will all be ok" and that little Voice inside "easy for you to say!".
What I have found again and again is the realization that it all will be ok, that worrying does not add a moment to my Life, but rather block me from thinking as if I was "in my right mind" for in there I do know that a solution will in fact present itself and if only to take a deep breath, say a prayer or send out a thought into the Universe, either way we are being heard.
Now the answer may not come in the way we have anticipated, but will come nonetheless. Oftentimes it will be even better then we had hoped....oh we with such little faith. I think back on the many times when I did think "I should have known better than to worry"....ahhhh but that is the questionable pleasure of being human".
If we find our self in the spot of great concern, we let our self know it is alright to feel that way and then move forward, in the next breath let out a thought of Hope inviting inspiration to enter Heart and Mind to move past Life's impasse. Grab a piece of paper perhaps and write down what comes to Mind and we might come to learn about things we had not previously been able to understand....for allowing yourself to let go for even just a Moment is letting go of control that we do not possess anyhow, for Life's many variances are out of our control. Rather we will trust that a Solution will always become available and teaching us to say more easily "it will all be ok!"
~ We live, we trust, we hope, we reach.... we will never give up trying!!!!"

Photo credit P.Pixley Quote Biene

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