Lunchtime at School, my least favorite part of being a Substitute Teacher is having lunch duty. I will tell you why! The Children load up their Tray with all that is required to be loaded and after their 20 minutes of lunchtime, getting up and yup you guessed it thrown the content of that loaded Tray in the trash. We start early to teach our Youngsters it is ok to waste Food. The Law was able to force the Kids to load but it is unable to make them eat the Food. While the choices of Fruit and Vegetables look appealing it is an entirely different story with the main part of the Meal. When staff tells of a 1:16 rule = 1 pd beef with mushroom and soybean fillers to produce 16 patties (knowing what we now do about soybeans being an almost 100% gmo food) and fillers anything but nutritional at any rate...where does that go in line with a healthier meal for our Children???? You also see very few staff members eating a school lunch! Please ask yourself why?
While the Law has forced the Children that choose the School lunch to put selection on their Tray, what about the Student sitting next with a home brought Lunch consisting of Cheetos, a purple beverage, a Lunchable with processed Meat and Cheese and Cookies loaded up with Soybean solids, Corn syrup and High Fructose Corn Syrup....I guess Michele could not get her Hand on that part. So now on both accounts have we got accomplished nothing good!!!! "edible trimmings and then treating the result"!!! A rather interesting way to describe something we are to consume!!!!!!!!!!!
However at the Heart of it all is this! The Children that throw the Food away now have had Breakfast at 8:45 am and will not be able to have anything else to eat until approximately 4:00 pm, and if they are Bus riders slated to go home their next chance for Food will be by perhaps by 4:30 pm or later, and what about the Students that go to Daycare? How many Adults face the same time frame without Food?
Who was wondering why Children struggle in many regards? The absence of Food in general and nutrition specifically may provide answers?!
It may be time to have a conversation with the Children. We are their guardians, their providers,
to love, teach, nurture, protect, respect and listen to our Children.
~ Communication is the gateway to change ~
P.S: How many patties can you get out of a 1 pound packet of Hamburger Meat?
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- 10:31 AM